Friday, March 27, 2009

The Joys of Renovation - or - the hurricane continues

Sometime in a previous life (or perhaps last year), I had the joy of surviving Hurricane Ike. Which, I suppose, is a lot better than the alternative!

FINALLY we're on stage two of the repairs (stage one being a new roof), which means my torn and otherwise disgusting carpet is being replaced with tile. Yay!

And aaarrgghh!!

Right now all my downstairs possessions are in the garage, master bedroom, or small corner of the living room. Supposed to take three or four days - let's add a week to that. At least we've only spent one night in a motel (the rest have been spent sleeping on recliners) and my two "youngest" kids cleaned their upstairs bathrooms so hubby and I could use them without shuddering. Replacing the master shower is stage three. It's all torn out but I guess a new one will be put in eventually.

Problem is - when it's all done I'm not going to want to move the junk back in! And boy, do we have a lot of junk. At least we can unpack at a slower pace and throw a lot of it away.

We now have a new stage four - removing the baseboards pretty much trashed the paint and wallpaper. Time to redecorate!

My writing time has been very meager this week and the dust and mold that the workers uncovered have given me a nice cough. All good fodder for my hurricane WIP though!

I'm still waiting for the signed contract to arrive from WRP, I have a feeling that will perk me right up and get me motivated!

Plus - I found three contests I can enter - happiness!!


Jessica Nelson said...

Oh man, you're still recovering? That's crazy. Erg. Have fun.
So, you contest-aholic, you're still going at it, huh? LOL So much for saving money.

Kathy said...

Oh Man Elizabeth I don't envy you all the hard work and frustration. I'm proud of you for getting a contract on the wings of cyber space. The Queen of Procrastination here has yet to submit her partial. I got bogged down with revisons and tax seasons. I'm finishing my second shot at Margie Lawson's ECE class and hope to take DEEP EDITS in May. I seem to have lost my writing time. I have become disfunctional all at once.
I have an appointment I'd just as soon cnacel tomorrow for the doctor but I need to get it out of the way sigh. The ER doc called when I was so sick in mid March and made the trip to the ER told me after studying the x-ray they found a nodule on my lung. I need to find more hours in my days between work, tax business, and writing I'm feeling stressed today. Guess that is What I get for trading to go see and meet online friends lol.

Libby Scrivener said...

LOL Jessica - I'm addicted, I admit.

Kathy take a deep breath, you'll be fine! I'm going to send you a separate e-mail.